Friday, March 04, 2011

As the Father, so the son

10. As the Father, so the Son

A rich merchant had only one son. He lost his wife when his son was just five years old. He became both the father and mother to the son and brought him up with loving care. He gave him good education and got him married to a beautiful girl.

The daughter-in-law was rather annoyed at the presence of the father-in-law. She considered him a nuisance and a bar to their freedom. She persuaded her husband to somehow manage to get into his custody the entire property. The husband said: "Don't bother, I am the only son, and I am the sole owner of the property". But she would not keep quiet. Day in and day out she would press him on that score. One day the son told his father: "Father, you are growing old. It must be difficult for you to manage the property and see to the balancing of the budget. Why don't you hand over the management to me?" The father knowing fully well the ways of the world, consented, and gave him all the papers related to the property and keys of the iron safe too.

After a couple of months, the daughter-in-law felt, that the old man always coughing and sneezing, should not occupy the front room on the verandah. She told one day to her husband: "My dear, soon I am going to give birth to a child. We may require the front room. You better erect a thatched shed for your father in the backyard". The man loved his wife so much and considered her so wise that he carried out her wishes. The daughter-in-law used to serve the lunch for the old man, very late in the afternoon in an earthen plate.

On an auspicious day a son was born to them. He grew up to be a smart, lively and loving child. He always used to be with his grandfather. It was fun and joy for him to listen to his stories and jokes. He was rather displeased at the attitude of his mother towards his dear grandpa. Yet he knew her adamant nature and his father's dependence on her.

One day the father and mother were searching for some thing for more than an hour in the afternoon after their lunch. The child got up from his grandpa's lap and ran in. He saw his parents searching for something. He asked casually: "What are you looking for, father?" "Oh! It is the earthen plate of your grandpa. It is already late, should we not serve him lunch? Have you seen the plate?" The child of five replied with a sly smile: "Sure, it is with me. I have kept it carefully in my trunk." "What? You have kept that earthen plate in your trunk! What for, come on get it", said the father. The child replied: "No father! I want it, I would like to preserve it for the future. Should I not have that plate to serve your lunch when you become old like my grandpa. I may not get one then". Both the young parents stood speechless. They could understand the child's heart. They were ashamed of their conduct. From that day onwards, they began to look after the old man with respect and affection.

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1 comment:

  1. This story can be related to everyone, because it shows how the parents attitude towards the father has rubbed off on the child. Although, the child was being sly it shows that he thinks that all elderly people are supposed to eat on earthen plate's just like his grandpa. So, he feels the need to preserve the plate for his parents during their old age. This incident, led the parents to realize how badly they have been treating the father. This story shows how we have to respect and listen to our parents. That is the only way that we will receive any respect from our own children in the future.



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