Monday, February 28, 2011

Einstein's Example

This story is about the Famous Einstein. In the place were Einstein was living there was this young girl who also resided there. The young girl was not doing well in math. And since she was very poor she was not able to afford a private tutor. The young girl was worried that she wouldn't be able to pass the math examination. One day she found out that there was a man named Einstein who lived in the same ward as her and was a great mathematician. The girl went to Einstein to seek his help in math. Einstein agreed to help the young girl with her mathematics. After a month the girl's mother came to Einstein thanking him for his help. In reply Einstein answered that not only was he able to teach the young girl things, he himself had learned a lot about the outside world. Einstein realized how ignorant he was about things related to the real life.

From this story we can learn that even a great mathematician such as Einstein was able to learn something new from such a young and innocent girl. Sometimes we feel as if just because we have more experience than younger children, we know more than them. However the truth it that we can learn more from them than whatever try to teach them. This is that Einstein was trying to tell us through this story. Furthermore from this story we know that Einstein told the mother that he learned a lot about the outside world from his daughter. From this we can learn that Einstein did not care as to what others thought about him but he was ready to say the truth that he didn't know much about the outside world until he started teaching the little girl.


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