Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Life and choices...

I had an interesting day today.  A day filled with roller coaster of emotions, unexplainable emotions.  The incidents that happend today reminded me of my past. Not so long ago past, about the five years ago past.  The discourse I listened to " Present is the product of past and future is the product of present", Swami's discourse.  I kept hearing it all day today at work, while driving, and home.

So there, having that taken out of the system - What is Karma again? Confused ... 
Okay,  so I make a mistake...  a choice few years back - because, you were young and stupid and thought you can buy the whole world.  But now you know it is a mistake and stupid and willing to make amend with it and make it right.  But NO, it is there to haunt you and make you feel terrible - " It is your fault!, you did this, and you have to hear this for rest of your life".... 

Is this what meant by present is the product of past? so you are never forgiven and you will never get a second chance?  Is that fair?  

I read somewhere that - 

Karma can be divided into four parts called Sanchita Karma, Prarabdha Karma, Kriyamana karma and Agama karma.

  1. Sanchita karma: is the sum of all past actions performed in this lifetime and past lives.
  2. Prarabdha karma: is the part of sanchita karma which is going to be experienced during this lifetime.
  3. Kriyamana karma: is what we are currently creating through our choices right now. It is our creativity that is unfolding, it is our "free will".
  4. Agama karma: is the actions that we are planning for the future. Actions that will or will not be achieved depending on the choices (free will) that we are making now and those that we have made in the past.
So what I am going through is due to my Sanchita Karma? - ... Hopefully, I'll get a clear grip on this...

Life is very interesting, full of choices and effects they make.  Hope I feel better and find a solution to this feeling I have at the earliest.


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"Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it. " - Sai Baba

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