Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life , God and Universe...

I am sure that I am not the only one questioning the life and everything that we see... " What is life, what is universe? what is the begining and ending of all this? ... What is God? What is Super Natural? Where did we begin? How did we begin? etc.. etc...

Every religion has one thing in common - that is there is God, he / she is omnipresent and nothing but love.  From what I understand - according to Hinduism, we are all part of God.  In that what is meant by self is the " inner self" or known as " spirit, Athman".... The "Athman" is part of God and it has no birth or death.  Also,  when we meditate - according to many school of thoughts meditation is concentration - concentrating on something / some object.  However, I was listening to a lecture on Bhagavat Gita - in that the speaker explained meditation from a different point of view which was interesting.  He said -

When we pray - we talk and God Listens... But
When we Meditate - God talks and We Listen...

Well, how does all this tie into the questions I was asking before?  -
What is life?
Well in Hinduism, there is not just one purpose of human life, but four:

Dharma - fulfilling one's purpose
Artha - prosperity
Kama - desire, sexuality, enjoyment
Moksha - enlightenment

I'll try and learn first and then explain these in another post : )

what is universe? what is the begining and ending of all this?, Where did we begin?, How did we begin?
Hindu religion is the only one of the world’s great faiths dedicated to the idea that the cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite number of deaths and rebirths. This is better explained in this post (Source)

What is God?

As I mentioned before, all religions beleive that there is God and form and method of worship differs religion to religion. In general Hinduism considers God not just as the Supreme All-powerful Gigantic One. For Hindus God, as is, is beyond any attributes of form, color, shapes ... That is, God does not have any specific form or name. In this state God is referred to as nirguNa brahman (attributeless god). However God takes forms as perceived by humans and this perceived form is called saguNa brahman (god with (good) attributes). These forms could range from calm to fierce to yogic (1). Each form has its significance. For example when one is depressed and sees the form of God Strong and Powerful, the seeker feels the moral boost that God would definitely be the support for the right thing. ( source )

Well in my point of view - If God is part of Athman... then He / She is within, within me... So in order to understand God - I need to Understand myself... Correct?

Well, that is what I am trying to understand with this blog - As I learn and understand I'll share my experience with you all ( whoever is reading ) this blog... It is a form of Discipline for my self :)

Well... till my next post - live , love and enjoy life....


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"Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it. " - Sai Baba

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