Sunday, March 07, 2010

Faith Vs Trust

I had an uplifting day today.  Went to hear a talk by Mr. Dato Jegatheesan who had come from Malaysia.  He is one of the leaders of Sai Organization, and a dynamic speaker.  What interested me most is that he was also once like me questioned everything and anything about life and God.  I also liked his approach on life and how he explained everything with reasons.

Dato’ J. Jegathesan was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1944. Dato’ is a title conferred by the Malaysian Monarchy to honor prominent citizens, similar to the title Sir, conferred by the British Monarchy.Jegathesan was also an agnostic because no one could answer the question, “where is God?”. He used his charm, devastating humour and silver tongue to slash the religious beliefs of his family and friends. June 1976 was a turning point in his life. He had a profound spiritual experience and he began to read about religion - Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Taoism, the major religions of Malaysia. Guided and motivated by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and HIS urgings that a HINDU MUST BECOME A BETTER HINDU, A CHRISTIAN A BETTER CHRISTIAN, etc. HIS call for Service to Humanity and Unity of Faiths, his living room became an Inter Faith shrine.

In his talk today, he mentioned that he wanted to start a project for youths - called HOPE - meaning
Honour Ones Parents Everyday.  He went on to talk about how the today's youth get merged in media and materialistic life and forget the beings who brought them to this world. I also believe that in order to understand on self spiritually, it is important to respect elders and parents.  When we start doing this automatically we become humbled and undertake humility.

He also spoke about Faith & Trust / Surrender...  Many of us call ourselves as we believe in God and God will save us from whatever problems we are facing.  But, when put our faith or trust in God to a test, how many of us will pass this? He narrated this interesting story to illustrate his point.

A man who is an ardent devotee of God and who is always looked up by the spiritual and religious organization once went hiking and accidentally slipped and fell.  Luckily he held on to a branch at 1000 ft high.  With no hope he starts to pray to God - " Oh God, please help me, as a honest and truthful devotee of you, I pray to you.".. Well, God heard his prayers and replied, " My dear son, let go of the branch and as you fall down I will hold you in my arms and save you"... ..
So what do you think the devotee did? .... he looked down and then looked up and asked God " Are you kidding me? , stop joking, where the rope? throw it!"....

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"Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it. " - Sai Baba

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